Samin Dizna

MyNextLvl Capstone Project for Information Technology and Informatics


The project management schedule forms the backbone of the project and will assist in managing the capstone project in time.


Visual process of laying out all the stakeholders of the prototype.

Project Proposal

The project proposal includes the project scope, deliverable definition, and success measurements and provides an overview of the organization's objectives and how the dynamic web application system meets the needs of the organization's objectives.


This section focuses on the design of the prototype

Scenarios & Task Analysis

The scenarios briefly sketch the tasks without committing to details on how exactly the tasks will carry out. The task analysis determines how a task is accomplished.

Site Structure

The site structure demonstrates how content is grouped, linked and presented to the user.

Story Board

The Storyboard is a way to gain a sense of how the prototype will look and behave.

Pencil & Paper Prototype

A visual guide that representing the skeletal framework of the prototype


A visual guide that representing the skeletal framework of the prototype


Fictional characters that represent a user type that might use the prototype.

Entity Relationship Diagram

The Entity Relationship Diagram determines information system requirements.

Task List

Data Collection Methods

Survey Questions

Data Collection Methods

Feature/Function Design

Feature and functions of prototype

Revision & Report

Final project & Report